I am classic with a twist.  I love shape and texture..”

Ted Gibson

What country are you from, and where do you reside?

United States Los Angeles and Palm Springs.

Title of what you do and what company.

Celebrity hairdresser and salon owners of the brand STARRING based in Los Angeles.

What is the first creative project that you remember?

Creating Purefume Brilliant for AVEDA back in 1995.

What is your signature style/artistic expression of your work?

I am classic with a twist.  I love shape and texture.

What is the most fulfilling job you’ve worked on or someone you have worked with? 

Opening four salons in four different States.

Do you have a career turning point, big break, or person that has helped your career? 

Angelina Jolie.

What was the scariest and proudest moment in your career?

Moving to NYC.

What is next for your career goals?
So many.

What advice would you give to someone starting in the beauty business?

Stay focused, and always say yes!

Instagram: @TedGibson

Check out our backstage interview with Ted Gibson and Jason Backe at the Toronto Beauty X show.