I always try to add a touch of humour or cynicism to my compositions, and also to reveal the subject by its texture, even when it’s disturbing.

Roberto Greco

What country are you from and where do you live? 

I’m an Italian born in Switzerland, I now live in Paris for nine years. 

Title of what you do and what company you work with? 

I’m an artist photographer, represented by Talent & Partner, and by Nillson & Chiglien for my art gallery work in Paris.

Education background (art school, photography class, self taught)?

A horticulturist by trade, I went on to study visual communication and photography in Switzerland, at CEPV then at ECAL.

What is your signature style/artistic expression to your work? What type of images or people do you like to shoot? 

I always try to add a touch of humour or cynicism to my compositions, and also to reveal the subject by its texture, even when it’s disturbing.  That’s why I like to shoot organic stuff like flowers, fruits, or any objects that can make me feel a sensation by its shape or texture. It can also be a vase, a piece of soap.. I just need to see some poetry through it.  

Do you have a career turning point or big break that has helped your career? 

I’ll be a bit dramatic (thanks Italy) but I have it every week!! I’m always asking myself what’s next? Or what was wrong?  And then the well known phase of doubts and revelations starts. This is how I proceed in my career so far, I practically restart after each project.

What was your scariest and proudest moment in your career? 

– The day I arrived on set and realized I forgot my camera ?!

– And every time I remain calm while everything and everyone is collapsing (thanks Switzerland)

What is next for your career goals? 

To keep in mind what I really like in photography. 

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your business?

I’m really not sure it’s good advice, but what “they” don’t like in your work, do it even more perfectly until they see what you want to show.

IG:  @roberto_greco_photo