When I color, I love to do bold things with a lot of patterns on shaved heads.

MJ Deziel

What country are you from and where do you live?

I am from Montreal, Canada.

Title of what you do and what company you work with?

I am a freelance hairstylist, owner of APART studio and Gemini full time haha.

Education background (school, salons, self taught)?

I went to public hair school and I perfected my art by taking classes around the world in New York, London and Tokyo. 

What is your signature style/artistic expression to your work?

That is a tough question. I am really drawn into texture and patterns (even in the way I dress). I have an obsession with leather. I love silk, raw materials and monochromatic patterns.  I think my work is a reflection of those things I like.  When I work with hair, I like to enhance it’s natural texture.  When I color, I love to do bold things with a lot of patterns on shaved heads.  I was fortunate enough to travel around the world during my years as a platform educator for REDKEN, so my style is very cosmopolitan. 

Do you have a career turning point or big break that has helped your career? 

Owning my studio is my greatest achievement, I get to work with the best in the industry everyday. Being signed at TEAMM agency was a big turning point in my career.  It gave me confidence to know that someone trusted my work enough to sign me and endorse it.  I now have access to the editorial world which I have always been fascinated by. 

What was your scariest and proudest moment in your career?

When I decided to finally leave the corporate world of education and went freelance. Having 100% control over my content was game changer. I became the educator I am today when I started being deeply passionate about what I was teaching.

What is next for your career goals?

I am trying to live in the present.  This is a concept I’m trying to implement in my everyday life.  I always look so far in the future, I sometimes forget to enjoy the present moment.  I look back on past years and everything that I have accomplished.  It’s so blurry it saddens me because I forget.  I always have big plans and I always achieve them, so for now, I want to enjoy every moment.

Website:  www.apartstudio.co

IG: @mjdeziel