“Work hard, show up early, stay late, give more in order to eventually get more, surround yourself with like-minded people.” – Trish Dool

Trish Dool

What country are you from, and where do you reside?

I’m from the United States and reside in Wichita, Kansas.

Title of what you do and if you are aligned with a brand or company. 

I am the Creative Director of Eric Fisher Salon. I also work behind the chair as a stylist at EFS. 

Education background (school, salons, self-taught)?

I received my cosmetology license in Wichita at Xenon Cosmetology School in 1995. From there, I went on to study haircutting at Vidal Sassoon in London and in Toronto. Over the years I have been fortunate to work for Eric Fisher, who is a fantastic educator and is personally dedicated to education in our industry. He brings us top notch education every year at the salon’s educational summit which takes place at his academy. We’ve had educators from around the world, from companies such as Goldwell, L’Oréal, Hanzo, and Mizzani, just to name a few. I’ve also traveled regularly throughout the course of my career to New York and California, taking haircutting and color classes through Goldwell and L’Oréal from amazing industry icons such as Tim Hartley and Vivienne Mackinder. Most recently I took an online course from one of my favorite  hairdressers, Sharon Blaine. 

What is the first creative project that you remember?

The first creative project I remember would probably be giving my Barbie dolls haircuts when I was a little girl! I actually loved styling and playing with all of my dolls’ hair, giving them roller sets and braids, and yes, sometimes haircuts! I also have strong  memories of combing and styling my grandfather’s hair. He had the most beautiful platinum wavy comb-over, and I was absolutely fascinated by it! He was so patient with me, letting me brush and style his hair whenever I had the chance. 

What is your signature style/artistic expression of your work?

I would say that I really love creating sculptural hair pieces. I love the drama that big, sculptural pieces bring and the element of fantasy that they behold. I would like to believe that my style is evolving and changing as I learn more and try new approaches towards things. The process of creating is fun and I’m constantly inspired by other hairdressers and artists. 

What is the most fulfilling job you’ve worked on or someone you have worked with? 

The most fulfilling job I have worked on would be the opportunity that I had to do hair for NYC fashion week in February of 2020. My friends, Alicia Ybarra and Christopher Gulick, created a clothing collection together. Alicia is a local wedding gown designer and Christopher is a local artist and sculptor. I created hair pieces and styles for their collection and was able to accompany them to fashion week that year where they presented their collaboration. It was such an exciting experience! Little did we know, just two weeks later the world would “shut down” because of the pandemic. I think in hindsight that has given each of us an even greater appreciation for the experience we had. 

Do you have a career turning point, big break, or person who has helped your career? 

Without question, the person who has helped my career the most is Eric Fisher. I have worked for Eric for close to thirty years, and in that time he has inspired me, encouraged me, and given me numerous opportunities to further my education and personal goals. Eric is also an amazing photographer, so I have the opportunity to shoot in his studio with him on a regular basis. I realize how fortunate I am to work for and alongside such a talented mentor and friend. 

There have been some events and specific moments in the last few years that have resulted in there being a career turning point for me. Just in the last few years I’ve been receiving nominations and awards at the Midwest Hairstyling Awards, which has been amazing . It was there at the Midwest Awards that I met Peter Gray. Meeting Peter and taking inspiration and advice from him has really led me to a new and exciting place in my career. The hair shows that he presents are so amazing and just so different from anything I had ever personally experienced. After seeing him show a couple of years ago at the Midwest Awards, I had what I consider a pivotal conversation with Peter. In our conversation he encouraged me to create and present my own shows, which has turned out to be something that I thoroughly enjoy!  I’m so grateful for that conversation and for the advice that he gave me. 

I went on to create a collection that I showed at the Midwest Hairstyling Awards that following year (last year). I won there with the same collection (photographed by Eric Fisher) for Avant Garde Hairstylist of the Year. I went on to receive a few more nominations with that same collection, including NAHA and the Beauty in Motion Awards! 

What was the scariest and proudest moment in your career?

I have to say that the scariest and proudest moment of my career so far was presenting my hair show at the Midwest Hairstyling Awards last year. I was nervous, doing something new like this in front of my peers. But that fear dissolved pretty quickly and was replaced with an absolute rush of excitement!

What is next for your career goals?

I just want to continue moving forward in my career, however that may be. I enjoy entering hair competitions and will absolutely continue on with that, but at the same time I don’t let nominations, wins or losses define me. I would have given up a long time ago if that were the case! I have passion for this industry, that’s what keeps me going. It’s my goal to continue presenting shows and am in the process of forming a possible brand relationship as an ambassador or educator. 

What advice would you give to someone starting in your business?

The beauty industry has changed a lot, especially in recent years, just as so many other businesses worldwide.  When I was brand new to the industry almost thirty years ago, I took the advice and followed the model of Eric Fisher, my boss and mentor. That model was to work hard, show up early, stay late, give more in order to eventually get more. To surround yourself with like-minded people. My motto is based on what years of hard work and taking that advice has taught me. That is, to be a student for life and keep your passion alive.

Instagram @trishdoolhairdresser